Key Stage 1 & 2 Nomination Criteria
Student Categories
Young Sportsmanship Award (KS1/KS2): The pupil who always applies 100% effort throughout PE and Sport. They help others learn and show great sportsmanship, motivation & determination in their chosen sport(s). (1 nomination per school)
Play Buddy of the Year (Infant & Junior Schools Only): The most outstanding pupils who have embraced the role of Play Buddy and who have shown the most commitment to their role, positively supporting their peers. (5 nominations per school)
Play Leader of the Year (KS2): The most outstanding pupil who has embraced the role of Play Leader and has shown the most commitment and impact through their role. (1 nomination per school)
Key Stage 2 Outstanding Achievement Award: For pupils who have shown sporting talent, represented the school across a number of different sports and significantly impacted on the team’s success. This could include participating in sport outside of school.
(1 nomination per school)
Healthy Heroes Award (KS1/KS2): Individuals that have taken on a positive role to promote the importance of being healthy & have supported others to be physically active. (1 nomination per school)
School Categories
Key Stage 2 Team of the Year: Awarded to the school team which has achieved success at the highest level, including competitions beyond partnership level. (1 nomination per school)
Nominations are now open
Nominations Close Friday 10th May
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